My enjoyment rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Genre: Juvenile Fiction (3-5th grade)
Source: Author (I was not compensated in anyway for my review. My thoughts are mine alone).
Poor Piper Reed – she’s on the move again!
Fortunately, it’s to Norfolk, Virginia, where dear friends Michael and Nicole live. But due to distance, she’s anxious she may not see them as often as she wants, and is concerned about the continuity of her precious Gypsy Club!
Luckily, Piper’s new neighbor, a stamp collecting, bowling phenom named Arizona Smiley, shows her that friends (and Gypsy members!) can be found in all the right places.
Kimberly Willis Holt’s, Piper Reed, Forever Friend, is a delightful continuation of Piper’s exploits as the middle sister in a very mobile Navy family.
As someone who moved often as a child, Piper is a literary friend I wish I had to comfort me during my many moves! Her spunk was infectious and her creativity enjoyed.
My only regret is that I haven’t read the previous five installments of Piper’s adventures!
This would have made the perfect addition to our Mother/Daughter book club selections.
Thanks to the author, I’m thrilled to offer a giveaway!
1 winner will receive signed copies of these 3 Piper Reed books
Open to US only
Ends 8/29/12 (2 weeks! Winner will be determined by random.org)
Please leave a comment (and email) about a relocation experience to be entered. One comment/one entry! No tweeting or following necessary (but you may if you would like!)
Also – I had the opportunity to ask Ms. Holt a few questions about Piper – come back on Saturday for her responses!
Please follow the Piper Reed blog tour at What’s New with Kimberly for other blogger’s thoughts and giveaways!
how fun! I've looked at these books for Meg when she's older!
I have always hated the question "where are you from?" because I don't have a great answer. We moved around a lot with my Dad's training. I've spent the most time in Minnesota. But home always seems either where I'm at or where my parents are at, and I certainly never thought that would make the answer Arkansas, but here I am! I didn't always enjoy moving around as a kid, but I'm so thankful for it as an adult!!
What a great giveaway! Please enter me.
I don't have a great relocation story. Unfortunately my family is pretty boring and have lived in the same place for most of my life. However, my daughter is experiencing a sad relocation of her own - her best friend moved a few hours away. Our whole family is sad about this relocation and what this means for both girls. The latest Piper Reed book would be a great book for each of the girls to read.
I would love to win this giveaway! When I was 5, right before I started Kindergarten, my family moved from CA to UT. It was a really hard transition for me, but eventually I made life-long friends that made the move worth it.I love your blog!
My daughter would love these books! When I was a child, we never moved. In turn, I have just moved my own children across the country. Everything, everyone, even the different foods are new. It is both terrifying and incredibly fun. I know she would love them, and I probably would, too :)
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