Monday, December 20, 2010

Birthday Book Bling!

Nothing says Happy Birthday like a stack full of books and a gift card!

The Wolves of Andover: A Novel

Major Pettigrew's Last Stand

Unfortunately, to off set the glee of a few hardbacks, I have to TREAT myself to 4 new tires for my car.  Definitely a birthday downer.

The kids are celebrating their first day of Christmas break, I think I will celebrate by reading all day.

Have a great day everyone, I know I will (except for the tires, of course). 


Shelley said...

Yuck! Buying tires is no fun. I'm glad you got some book shopping in though. Happy Birthday!

Amused said...

Happy Happy Birthday! I am excited to see what you think of Major Pettigrew!

mpartyka said...

Second Birthday post I have missed this week (my laptop crashed last week and I'm catching up with everyone this morning).

Happy Brithday!

I hope you had a joyful day reading while the kids enjoyed their first day of break.