It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at One Persons Journey Through a World of Books. It's is a weekly event to celebrate what we are reading for the week as well as books completed the previous week.
A new year and a new round of books! I hope everyone had a scrumptious literary holiday -- because I certainly did!
True Grit by Charles Portis (5 stars! And the movie was AWESOME too!)

Little Heathens by Mildred Armstrong Kalish (2 stars -- I'm reluctant to admit that I found this very popular book dreadfully boring.)

Charms for the Easy Life by Kaye Gibbons (3 stars -- I liked it, but it was heavy on characters, too light on plot.)

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford

I bought this book a year ago for a birthday present to myself -- and I'm just now getting around to reading it!
I have NO IDEA! I got a sled full of books from Santa -- so I'm not even sure where to begin.
What did Santa bring you -- and what are you reading this week?
I loved Hotel On The Corner Of Bitter and Sweet! I hope you really enjoy it too!
I liked Little Heathens because it reminded me of my grandmother's stories. But I probably would have felt less excited about the book if I didn't have that very personal collection.
I didn't get as much reading last week. I have been sick with a cold and I was traveling.
From the movie trailer, I am afraid I will not really like True Grit. I think I am having a hard time replacing Wayne with Bridges. I love the title of last years birthday book. Hope it is a good read. Have a wonderful week!
Enjoy ur reading week!
Santa bought me 5 lovely books and I have started The Empty Family by Colm Toibin.
I love it when Santa brings me gifts. So good luck choosing your next read. :) Happy Reading to YOU! :)
Little Heathens... someone in my book club was lobbying for this book a few years ago and it sounded boring to me. Looks like we made a good decision to pass.
I keep seeing One Day on best of 2010 lists for bloggers... did we miss something?! I can't figure out why they liked it so much.
I want to read Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet SO BAD. But then something shiny comes along and I read it instead. Oh, well. At least there are always more good books out there waiting for me! Enjoy your week!
Can you believe that Santa only gave me 3 books? One of my acquaintances gave me 3 Debbie Macomber books. The older girls just look at my TBR piles and say, "Why, Mom?" LOL!
You have/had a great reading week! I'm thinking of getting True Grit, but have sworn to abstain and only purchase 1 book for every 2 I get off my personal TBR shelf (lofty goal, and I wonder how long I will stick to it) :)
Thanks for the great book recs! New books are fun :) Happy New Year!
I loved "Hotel On the Corner..." Great books!
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